The Antioch Chalice was found in Syria 1910 and was believed to have belonged to a church in Antioch, one of the five cities that led the early Christian church along with Rome, Constantinople, Jerusalem, and Alexandria. When it was discovered, the inner cup was thought to be the Holy Chalice, with the gilded, footed shell being added within the first century after the death of Christ to honor the Grail. The Silver-Gilt Antioch Chalice was created around AD 500-550 and has been identified as having the shape of a standing lamp commonly used in churches in the first half of the sixth century. Potentially, it is decorated in recognition of Christ's words "I am the light of the world". It has also been determined recently that the Antioch Chalice could have been a part of a larger group of Silver objects that once belonged to the Church of Saint Sergios in the small town of Kaper Koraon near Constantinople. It was displayed as the Holy Grail at the Chicago World's Fair in 1933 and was later sold to The Cloisters in New York in 1950. Currently it is on view at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
This Item is part of our Exclusive Ancient Biblical Mystery Collection. It is a Signed, Numbered, Limited Edition of the Famous Antioch Chalice. It is a Very Detailed Reproduction and was created from an Artists Rendering that was made using Photographs taken of the Real Antioch Chalice as it sits in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Each item comes complete with a Certification Card. This Card Explains the Full History of the Antioch Chalice.
On the Antioch Chalice are 10 Apostle figures and 2 Jesus figures. One Jesus figure is Young the other Older. The Apostles that appear are the key ones at this time in History when the Outer Cup was made. Each Figure can be determined by their associations with the Carvings, Animals and what they are Holding in the Artwork.
The Antioch Chalice is Antique Silver and made out of Very Durable Resin. It is a Very Detailed 1:1 Biblical Replica of the original Artifact. It measures: 8 inches tall x 6 inches in diameter. The Detail on the Antioch Chalice is Extraordinary.
You will also get a Signed Copy of the Full Sized (8.5 x 11) 135 page Book: "The Evidence About The Antioch Chalice by James M. Arnold, Jr. This book is loaded with Historical Articles about about the Grail. The Front and Back Cover have Full Color close up Pictures of each side of the Original Chalice that have the Christ figures on them. Inside the book are full close ups of the Original Chalice on each side, showing each figure. As a bonus the book also includes Newspaper Articles pertaining to the Great Antioch Chalice.